Beer of the Week! 8/07/19
Lagunitas A Little Sumpin' Hazy
Regularly $10.99 / On sale for $9.96
Unfiltered Strongly Hopped Wheat Ale
One of our favorites just got favorite-er!
We’ve said it before; we’ll say it again — C’Ville is an island that floats on a sea of Lagunitas A Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’. Everywhere else, Lagunitas’ best selling beer is their IPA. Here, it’s the Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’. How perfect for us, then, that the CA boys should jump on the New England Style IPA craze by doing an unfiltered version of our favorite strongly hopped wheat ale? Centennial and Chinook lay the groundwork for an aromatic edifice of Cashmere, Citra, and Mosaic hops. It’s a little sumpin’ juicier, a little sumpin’ creamier, and all so tasty that we’re goin’ a lotta crazy for A Little Sumpin’ Hazy!