Some thoughts from us...

Hello friends of the wine shop!

Like many others, we want to give you a quick update regarding Coronavirus concerns.
We are taking some extra/more frequent steps to keep ourselves and our customers safe: wiping down counter-tops, credit card machines, and door handles with 70%-plus sanitizer throughout the day.

We have hand sanitizer in multiple spots in the store for your use. Lastly, and most importantly, we are washing our hands as usual, and many many many more times than usual as well.

For now: Our shop is spacious and there is plenty of room to fetch what you want, sample our wines of the week, and even socialize, while keeping a safe distance from others.

In the future: We will post changes to events and hours, as they happen, on our social media. We are making adjustments daily so keep checking in. As much as we would love for things to carry on as normal, we know that in order to keep those most vulnerable in our communities safe, we will all need to minimize interactions. Let’s be proactive! Come stock up on delicious foods (Rancho Gordo beans, Scratch Pasta and sauce, Nona’s Cucina sauce and Trager Brothers coffee to name just a few options), get a stash of delicious wine and beer and be ready to limit outings and visits. Let’s keep each other safe. Wash your hands. While protecting one another is the most important thing we can do, it is true that this virus will have a big impact on our local economy. If you have the means, buying gift certificates to local businesses (your favorite restaurants, bars, and gelato shops etc!) and community arts and culture orgs now, to enjoy once we have gotten to the other side of this, is a great way to help out as well.  Remember that we deliver!

Take care of each other, and wash your hands!
With love,

Siân and Thadd

Market Street