Beer of the Week! 03/24/20

Commonwealth Puff

Regularly $14.99 / Now on Sale for $12.96
Grodziskie Style Ale

Commonwealth Puff.jpg

Okay, so here's the thing. This is a great picnic / cookout beer. The problem is, we ordered it before we knew we were going to be in the throws of a global pandemic. As it is, it's going to be a while before we're all getting together and dipping our spoons into a big ole' shared bowl of potato salad. (Mmm, potato salad!) So, we decided to put this beauty on sale and make it the Beer or the Week. 

We've said it before (we'll say it again) -- just when you thought American craft brewers had exhausted the number of obscure European beer styles to resurrect ... 

... Commonwealth Brewing Company turns to Polish brewing tradition to give us this Grodziskie (or Grätzer) beer, the Puff. Grodziskies are wheat ales where the wheat malt is smoked while drying. Traditionally, Grodziskies continue to ferment in the bottle, infusing the beer with an extra bit of carbonation over other ales. True to form, the Puff is a light bodied wheat ale with a delicate but solid presence of smoke and loads of soft carbonation. Though an ale, it's almost like a bacon lager, and if that description throws you off, consider this ... the Puff is an excellent food beer. Have this brew with your burgers, your brats, your sausages, ribs, barbeque, or corn bread; it'll be your fast friend. And at 3.5% ABV, the Puff will be very friendly to you the next morning.