Beer of the Week! 05/12/20
We thought we thaw a great amber!
Alewerks Thaw
Regularly $11.99 / $9.96
Amber Ale
Let's be truthful, it's easy to skip over amber ales. They're not as rich as browns, not as refreshing as lagers, nowhere near as hoppy as pale ales, even (except for some notable exceptions). Many ambers are easy beers to blow through ... which makes it even more striking when Alewerks from Williamsburg takes this beer, and shows us what an amber can be.
The key comes from the malt -- just a little sweet, just a little taste of toffee in the malt mixed in with lemon citrus notes from the hops all wrapped in tingly, piney hops. The Thaw is yet another example of Alewerks’ understated brewing excellence.
All the roast you can boast aged in bourbon barrels! Get it before we drink it all!
Bonus Beer of the Week ('Cause we all need a little something special right now.)
Oskar Blues Barrel-Aged Ten FIDY
Regularly $18.99 / Now on sale for $16.96
Bourbon Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout
"Oskar Blues Brewery stuffed Ten FIDY Imperial Stout into bourbon barrels for a minimum of eight months: allowing vanilla, oak, and bourbon flavors to permeate the pitch-black depths of FIDY. During maturation, the FIDY-plus-bourbon flavors mellow into a cool, drinkable, deeply complex brew at 12.5% ABV" - Oskar Blues
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