Beer of the Week! 06/30/20
Can you see the hop cone hidden in the can’s design?
Random Row Mosaic
Regularly $12.99 / Now on Sale for $10.96
Unfiltered American Style Pale Ale
Many of us have toddled over to Preston Avenue (How long until we just start calling that road “Cool Brews Ave”?) in order to visit Random Row Brewing Company and have been the better for it. Since 2016, Random Row has been offering the community a warm and friendly tap room and tasty, small batch beers.
The Mosaic Pale Ale is their first beer to be canned and distributed outside the brewery. It’s an unfiltered American style pale ale that features that dynamo of flavor, the Mosaic hop, and for good reason. The many aspects of the Mosaic hop come through in this beer. There’s the strong citrus backbone mixed in with tropical fruit notes. It’s perfect if you want some hazy goodness without going all the way with an IPA.
The Latest Batch of a Collective Arts Favorite
Collective Arts Life in the Clouds
Regularly $12.99 / Now on Sale for $10.96
New England Style IPA
"Fall into the rich embrace of this New England style IPA. Simcoe and Mosaic hops balance each other to make this juicy IPA explosively fruit forward in both taste and aroma while curbing any unbearable sweetness to make an extremely drinkable beer. The huge mouth feel ensures all of your tastebuds are enveloped in a blanket of tropical bliss, paradise in a can." - Collective Arts