Beer of the Week! 02/02/21
You know your funk will groove with a dunkel!
Commonwealth Maximilian
Regularly $14.99 / Now on Sale for $13.96
Münich Style Dunkel Lager
It’s hard to get the Dunkel Lager right. You don’t want it to be sweet; it’s not a bock. Still, if it’s just dry then the hops take over and it becomes unpleasantly astringent. You want some caramel notes from the malt, but again, too much and you really need to be a bock to make it work. The balance for a Dunkel Lager is a fickle thing … and Commonwealth may have just scored a pitch perfect hit.
The Commonwealth Maximilian offers light hoppiness and coffee notes on the nose, but once you get into the glass, it’s another story. Caramel notes in the malt are met with a slight hop spice — just enough to give the beer character. However, where hops and malts are usually positioned to keep each other in check, somehow, here, they compliment each other. We don’t know how that works, but it’s the delicate application of both that’s appropriate for the lightness of the lager.
In the Maximilian, Commonwealth’s Virginia Beach brewers show that they can do more than just IPAs and continue to impress. We know we’ve just had a dip into February chill, but, this week, as the mercury goes up and the sun comes back out, cool some of this brew down and let the darkness rule.
Bonus Beer of the Week (‘Cause the groundhog came out of his burrow and saw the shadow of someone’s pint!)
What makes the monk blush, makes a smiling lush!
Founder’s Blushing Monk
Regularly $17.99 / Now on Sale for $15.96
Belgian Style Ale Brewed with Raspberries
“ABV: 9.2%
IBUs: 20
RateBeer Rating: 100
“When our love of fruit and our love of beer come together, Blushing Monk happens. Brewed with a ridiculous amount of raspberries for tart yet luscious raspberry-jam character and fermented with Belgian yeast for subtle fruit and spice esters. Think of Blushing Monk as Rubaeus’ older sibling – more intense, slightly larger and just a little bit more mature.”
- Founders Brewing Company
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