Beer Spotlight!
Spotlight on Commonwealth / 3 Sons Divergence!
$11.99 for the 750ml bottle
Sour Lager / Saison Hybrid
There’s Mad Scientist brewing … and then there’s bending the Laws of Nature. One of our favorite brewers, Virginia Beach’s Commonwealth Brewing Company has collaborated with 3 Sons Brewing Company in Dania Beach, FL to produce this unique treat.
Every year, Commonwealth marks their anniversary with their Revolution Celebration (celebrating one more revolution around the sun). This year, they worked with 3 Sons to explore the effect of blending two very different styles of beer.
First, they took some lager yeast and made a lager. Then they transferred the new brew to foeders (large oak barrels), where they let it warm up enough so that they could add Brettanomyces ale yeast and instigate a second fermentation.
So, what we have as a result is a sour lager / ale hybrid … and it’s great! You get the soft, round sourness of the Brett mixing with the light breadiness of the lager. It’s a Tale of Two Beaches, and it has a happy ending!
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