Five Reasons to Have a Lickinghole Creek Tasting
Because you need an answer to the frequent question, "What has Goochland done for me lately?"
Because Market St. Wine is still full of big bottle love even though industry experts are saying they're going out of style.
Because we're all about helping one of our two area farm breweries to represent!
Because knowing how important water is to them professionally, Lickinghole Creek -- a property of creeks and ponds -- thinks about how important water is domestically as well. That's why they've dedicated themselves to clean water efforts. Currently, they're helping a remote village in Nine Mile, Jamaica to fund the building of a well!
Because they're good!
Beers to be Tasted
Lickinghole Creek Nugget on Rye
Lickinghole Creek Heir Apparent
Lickinghole Creek Redneck Wedding
Lickinghole Creek Illuminatos