Five Reasons to Do a Potter's Craft Cider Tasting
Because with Potter's spiffy new tasting room, we should remind you that you don't have to dip all the way down 29S to get this area's favorite cider.
Because if Potter's Craft Cider isn't Charlottesville's favorite cider, then we'll eat our words ... and follow them down with glasses and glasses of Cider Nouveau!
Because no one has done more to make lemonade (or cider, as the case is) from a failed attempt to be craft beer brewers than Tim Edmond and Dan Potter. And anyway, when Tim and Dan started Potter's, they were swinging single young turks with pep and vim. Now they're tired, old married guys with families. They need your support.
Because admit it, you owe it to yourself to have more cider in your life. (Cider life!)
Because Jesse Ploeg from Potter's will be there to tell us they're good!
Cider's to Be Tasted
Potter's Farmhouse Dry Cider
Potter's Grapefruit Hibiscus
Potter's Beautiful Island
Potter's Strawberry Ginger
Potter's Hewes Crab