Down in the Valley!
France is a country of rivers! Its longest river, twisting and turning through the country from its Atlantic delta in the northwest, snaking down to dissipate between Avignon and Lyon in the southeast, is the Loire! Its first northwestern 600 miles are home to one of France’s most prominent wine regions.
The Loire Valley breaks down into four parts. From west to east …
The Lower Loire — running through Nantes and draining into the Atlantic,
The Middle Loire — hitting Angers and Tours, giving us the sub-regions of Anjou, Saumur-Champigny, Vouvray, Bourgueil, and “the Garden of France,” Touraine,
The Central Loire — going through Orléans; this Loire part is where you can find Chinon, Pouilly-Fumé, and Sancerre,
The Upper Loire — below Nevers that has the sub-region of Auvergne.
If you’re talking Loire Valley whites, think of Chenin Blanc from the Middle Loire and Sauvignon Blanc from the Central Loire. For red grapes, think of Cabernet Franc from the Middle and Central Loire. Of course, these grapes are just the tip of the Loire Valley iceberg.
Join us anytime in the hour and a half with guest pourer Jeff Latchum from Williams Corner Wines to take a dip into Loire Valley wines!