Why Organic Farms Matter
… or Why Is There a Sheep in My Vineyard?
Why do we like organic wines?
Well, first and foremost, we enjoy having our grapes without a side order of pesticides. Second, many of them taste really good. (Of course, the same can be said about many non-organic wines.) However, did you know this? … organic wines can reduce carbon emissions.
One of the natural pest control measures that many organic vineyards use is growing covering crops around their grape vines. Cover crops can be anything from grasses to clovers to buckwheat to peas to many others. Beyond pest control, cover crops help grape growers manage their soil a number of ways. However, one thing they also do is sequester water and carbon. Carbon emissions reduced!
So, what’s with the sheep? You’ll have to come to our tasting of four organic wines that are helping combat the effect of all our airplanes and cars to find out.
Guest pourer, Julie from Plant Wines joins us.