Beer of the Week! 01/28/20
Captain Lawrence Effortless
Regularly $10.99 / Now on sale for $9.96
Session Grapefruit IPA
Back for a second shot a Beer of the Week!
It could not have been effortless for Elmsford, NY’s Captain Lawrence Brewing Company to make this session IPA work. First, there are ALL of those hops! Tomahawk, Cascade, Mosaic, and Palisade provide the hop flavor with dry-hopped Cascade and Mosaic giving us the aroma.
Now, where you’d expect to be overwhelmed with bitterness, the prominent taste is a refreshing grapefruit citrus (from grapefruit oil) on top of a light-bodied malt backbone.
It could not have been effortless to make this brew work … but work it does at only 4.5% ABV! Turn your No Alcohol January into a Low Alcohol January with this Beer of the Week!