Beer of the Week 02/04/20
Weyerbacher Mellow Monks
Regularly $11.99 / Now on sale for $9.96
Sessionable Belgian Golden Ale
Weyerbacher Mellow Monks — Good things can come in mellow packages.
We've long loved Weyerbacher's beer from Easton, PA (just northeast of Allentown). Their Abbey Tripel, the Merry Monks, floats on and off of our shelves. Now, for people who want Belgian beer taste without Belgian beer punch, Weyerbacher has put out a lower ABV version of their longtime golden ale — the Mellow Monks. You get all the spicy hops, all the notes of banana and clove without the fear of falling over. It's done so well that we drink it and still get merry, just from the taste.