Beer Spotlight!

Skipping Rock Belgian Dubbel

$15.99 for the 4-pack 16 oz cans
Abbey Dubbel

So, there’s a thing going down with Staunton’s Skipping Rock Brewing Company, and we don’t know fully yet what.

Last month, they closed down their downtown Staunton taproom. However, it looks like they may continue to brew and distribute their beer. We can’t say and haven’t found anyone who can. All we know for sure is we have their beer now and are happy for that fact, ‘cause we like their beer, always have. Case in point ...

The Skipping Rock Belgian Dubbel sits squarely between the world of American Dubbels and Belgian Dubbels. That is to say (at least to our tastes) that American brewers tend to push their Dubbels more towards caramel flavors, making them richer than the Belgian counterparts that inspired them. Where the Skipping Rock Dubbel has a fair caramel component, it is resolutely light-bodied and finishes with the light cherry notes typical of Belgian Dubbels. Herbal and spicy hops rounding out the package make for the nicest hybrid since the one that halved your gasoline usage.


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