Five Reasons to Do a Captain Lawrence Tasting
BEER GUEST JANUARY CONTINUES! -- Bring a guest to the beer tasting who has never been to the tasting before, and you and your guest get 10% off all the beers you buy during the tasting! (No additional discounts to already discounted beers.)
Our guest will be Mark Coffman from Captain Lawrence!
Fun things come from captains -- Captain Morgan, Captain Jack, Captain Fantastic ... Cap'n Crunch.
Scott Vacaro started Captain Lawrence in Pleasantville, NY in 2006. Now they're in Elmsford, just north of Manhattan island, and from there they send their beer here.
Their beers are good!
Beers to Be Tasted
Captain Lawrence 6th Borough Pilsner
Captain Lawrence Citra Dreams
Captain Lawrence Golden Delicious
Captain Lawrence Orbital Tilt