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Friday Night Wine - Cantina Valdibella

In the summer of 1642, seven brothers of the Society of Jesus from Rome arrived at Valdibella, near today's Camporeale, and settled down in the houses of a small adjacent feudal tenure named Macellaro. Those brothers and their successors organized a farm of extraordinary efficiency by establishing new working relationships with farmers, experimenting with farming techniques and introducing new seeds and varieties. They attributed great importance to the cultivation of vineyards, and the wine they produced was of excellent quality. These lands are now owned and farmed by Cantina Valdibella.


Valdibella started in 1998 with the setting up of a Salesian community to support the local youth of Camporeale in Sicily, and eventually, it grew into a farming cooperative in 2000. Today, the cooperative offers a new way for local landowners: a real alternative to that of selling fruit (but also almonds and olives) to huge cooperatives, whose activities are closely tied to those of the big brands. The vineyards are well ventilated, facilitating organic agriculture, and extending the date of harvest until late in the season. They are working on a system of reducing the amount of copper and sulfur used in the vineyard. No chemicals are used.

In 2004, a group of young people founded “Addiopizzo”, a protest movement against protection money, i.e. the “pizzo” - imposed on Sicilian shopkeepers by the local mafia. The growers of Valdibella belonged to the very first people who adhered to this movement.