Five Reasons to Do a Reason Brewing Tasting
Beer Guest January continues into this first Wednesday in February ('cause we started a week late in January)! Bring a guest with you who has never been to the beer tasting before, and you both get 10% your beer purchases during the tasting. (No discounts on already discounted beer.) Our guest will be Matt Page from Reason Brewing Company!
Who really needs a reason to have a Reason?
But if you need a reason, when you don't have a Reason, you're drinking without Reason, and who wants that?
And if you don't drink Reason at all, then you're being Un-Reasonable, and what reason would you have for that?
The way we reason it, Reasons are good!
Beers to Be Tasted
Reason Perpetual Bloom
Reason New SOP
Reason Strange Currencies
Reason Inexorable