Rocking the Cradle
The cultures around the Mediterranean Sea have been the cradle of European winemaking. The Phoenicians and the Romans took grape growing and winemaking to Spain and France. Heck, they would’ve taken it to England if England had had the climate to reliably grow grapes. Speaking of which …
… a March study published in Nature Reviews Earth and Environment warns that if current warming trends continue (which, let’s be serious, they most likely will), and the Earth exceeds global temperatures of 2° Celsius above its pre-industrial average, then, by the end of this century, traditional grape growing areas may find themselves too hot and/or too dry to reliably produce grapes. They’re talking about Italy, Greece, France, and Spain (and California).
So, if you love Mediterranean wines (as we do), enjoy them now … as your great-grandchildren may find these wines either prohibitively expensive or all out unavailable.
This Friday’s tasting features wines from the Mediterranean in one of our famous, fun, free, walk-up tastings. Please join us anytime within the hour and a half.
(Full disclosure: We have not read the actual Nature Reviews study as it sits behind a paywall, just the reporting of it.)