Beer Spotlight!

Dogfish Head 120 Minute Aged in Utopias Barrels

$37.99 for the 4-pack 12oz bottles
Imperial IPA Aged in Sam Adams Utopias Barrels
(Yes! We said, “Sam Adams Utopias Barrels!”)

What we have here is a combination of two testaments to beer brewing insanity.

First, we have the Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA, a double IPA (or Imperial IPA or Triple IPA) that has seen 120 minutes of continual hopping throughout the boil. It’s a monster of a beer, brewed with a special yeast that won’t go dormant at higher alcohol levels. (Dogfish head decided to keep the 120 at 18% because they said it tasted better there. They decided, meaning they could’ve gone higher!) Of course, you can age the 120 Minute for years.

Second, we have the Sam Adams Utopias, a legendary ale from Sam Adams which they proudly claim pushes the question of what a beer can be. Aged in barrels, somewhere between a beer and a spirit, the Utopias pours like a whiskey and is a mind-bending (for beer drinkers) 28% ABV!! Don’t worry. You can pace yourself through the four-pack and can age the Utopias as well. (Good luck getting your hands on some, though.)

For this year’s 120 Minute, Dogfish Head takes it and ages it in Utopias barrels! We know what you’re wondering, so we’ll just cut to the chase. Somehow, they’re able to bring it in at 17% ABV, a full point lower than regular 120 Minute. That’s not the only mystery here. How is this beer soooo smooth? It’s a little caramel, a little white cake with almond paste with hops that are there but deeply, deeply entrenched in the mix. However, for its high ABV, it’s not boozy and doesn’t have that alcohol bite. How is this beer so ridiculously easy to drink?


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